Thursday, October 29, 2009

Questioning the Bible

My point of creating The Christian Literary is to do something I feel like I rarely see happen: question the Bible and the "Church" with as little bias as humanly possible. My promise is that I will show as much compassion for both/any sides as I can. I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth whether it makes me feel good or not or whether it agrees with what I've been told all my life or not. I don't stand on the side of tradition, modern culture, classical thought, secular or religious- however I do have my own personal experiences trying to talk to a God throughout my life. You can respond however you wish. If you're trying to prove something and you are obviously angry and using swear words, I'm going to doubt your ability to accomplish what the Christian Literary is trying to accomplish- using love, compassion, intellect, logic, research, and experience to try to understand the consequence of the Bible. I won't say I know anything or that I will have blind faith. In debating I will not defend any person who calls him or herself a Christian and says that God is too big and that therefore we must not question Him. The Bible (I believe it was from the writing of Paul in the New Testament) tells us to challenge everything. Ask all the questions and be prepared to have answers for those who ask! Do I love the person Jesus? Absolutely, he was awesome! Do I believe he is God? Not sure. Do I believe in God? So far I have not been able to say I don't believe in Him. What's God's name? Does He come from a certain religion? I don't know- Thats up to us to find out. So I guess so far I'm a Jesus loving agnostic- the creator of The Christian Literary- Eric Orozco

Questioning the Bible

My point of creating The Christian Literary is to do something I feel like I rarely see happen: question the Bible and the "Church" with as little bias as humanly possible. My promise is that I will show as much compassion for both/any sides as I can. I want to know the truth. I want to know the truth whether it makes me feel good or not or whether it agrees with what I've been told all my life or not. I don't stand on the side of tradition, modern culture, classical thought, secular or religious- however I do have my own personal experiences trying to talk to a God throughout my life. You can respond however you wish. If you're trying to prove something and you are obviously angry and using swear words, I'm going to doubt your ability to accomplish what the Christian Literary is trying to accomplish- using love, compassion, intellect, logic, research, and experience to try to understand the consequence of the Bible. I won't say I know anything for certain or that I will have blind faith. In debating I will not defend any person who calls him or herself a Christian and says that God is too big and that therefore we must not question Him. I believe it was Paul in the New Testamanet who tells us to challenge everything. Ask all the questions and be prepared to have answers for those who ask! Do I love the person Jesus? Absolutely, he was awesome! Do I believe he is God? Not sure. Do I believe in God? So far I have not been able to say I don't believe in Him. What's God's name? Does He come from a certain religion? I don't know- Thats up to us to find out. So I guess so far I'm a Jesus loving agnostic- the creator of The Christian Literary- Eric Orozco